Dennis Spohr

Reflections, Memories & Stories

On New Year’s Eve, we reflected on 2024 by answering some thought-provoking questions (I love doing this with the right persons around me!).

One of the questions was:
“Which three successes or milestones make you particularly proud.”

One of my answers was: “Being alone without being lonely.”

I’ve been single for a year now. I never, ever thought I’d be able to say this and still feel happy. It took me a long time to get there. In the past, being alone - even just for a week - felt awful.

It has become my new reality. And it’s totally fine! Of course, I’d love to meet someone again. I absolutely love sharing moments and experiences together. Sharing adventures and traveling with someone special is one of my biggest dreams, I guess.

But, in contrast to the past, I’m not desperately seeking someone. I’m not putting my full attention on it. The right time will come.

Now I can be alone.
Without feeling lonely.

And that’s a huge win for me. 14.02.2025
Business is not always easy. Not at all.

From the outside, everything might look like a success story. But behind the scenes, I’ve faced challenges that have tested me in ways I never expected. And sometimes, growth means letting go.

Last year, for the first time, I had to fire someone from my team. Damn, that was f***ing hard for me. I love harmony, I value connections, and I truly want to believe in people. But sometimes, you have to face reality, trust the process, and make the tough calls. What started with one person didn’t stop there - it led to even more persons.

I didn’t just lose team members. I lost friends.

But today, I see the bigger picture. New opportunities, fresh energy, and loots of motivation! Big goals ahead, and I couldn’t be more excited.

This transition has been tough, but I love where it’s leading me. 02.02.2025
Today, 11 years ago, I moved abroad.
One of my top 3 decisions I’ve ever made in my life. 29.01.2025
From the scared little boy to a multi-million business owner.

End of last year I’ve randomly met Pierre from @KarriereHero while we both were sailing across the Pacific. Spontaneously we decided to do an interview about my story.

And let me tell you… it’s the best interview anyone has ever done with me. 🙏

I’ve done many interviews before, but they were always focused mainly on the business. This one was different. For the first time, the conversation was not just about my work, but also about me as a person.

I shared many parts of my story:
➡️ My childhood as a scared little boy.
➡️ Struggling through school and starting my first jobs.
➡️ Feeling lost and unhappy in traditional jobs.
➡️ How I used to think very small - and what shifted my mindset.
➡️ My journey to become a founder of a multi-million business.
➡️ How COACHY completely changed my life.

This interview wasn’t just personal - it was also the longest and most in-depth one I’ve ever done. I’ve never felt so real and easy-going while sharing my full story, including my personal struggles and growth.

This interview means so much to me, and I’d LOVE your feedback if you watch it. Did it resonate with you? How did you like it?

Huge thanks to Pierre!
The Interview is in German, but available with English subtitles.

https://www.dennisspohr.com/interview 21.01.2025
Thailand, here I come (again)!

A good friend of mine once said:
“There are only two types of people: those who have never traveled to Thailand, and those who always come back.”

In just two days, my third trip to Thailand begins. Over the past few years, I’ve visited many incredible places, but Thailand remains my absolute favorite. I can’t wait to return and spend four weeks there!

This trip will be extra special:

1. For two weeks, I’ll be traveling with my mom. I invited her on this trip for Christmas 2023—making one of her dreams come true!

2. I’ll be meeting (at least) five of my friends there, which makes this trip even more meaningful to me.

Looking back at my first two trips:

The first time I traveled to Thailand, I went completely alone. My life back then was a rollercoaster, and I often felt lonely and broken. While the trip was a dream come true—exciting and adventurous—spending four weeks on my own wasn’t easy.

The second time was similar. I would have been alone and lonely again if I hadn’t traveled with my girlfriend at the time.

What’s different now:

1. I’ve learned to be alone without feeling lonely. ❤️

2. I’ve built friendships with people who travel around the world—so no matter where I go, chances are good that there’s always someone nearby.

I’m so excited to return and see everyone in just a few days! 💛🌏 30.12.2024
Wow, what a year.
I think it was my best one ever.

A year full of new experiences, actions out of my comfort zone, new friendships and intense learnings.

Meeting the NomadBase and NomadCruise Community.
Traveling to 10 countries, being on 5 continents.
Sleeping for 5 days in the Peruvian Jungle.
Taking a Seaplane in Vancouver.
Buying a house in Lagos.
Changed my diet, lost weight and got more energy.
Saw Pinguins, Sea Lions, Buffalos, Rhinoceros, Giraffes, Whales, Ostriches, Bears, Sloths, Sea Eagles, Pink Dolphins and more.
Taking a boat for 35 hours over the Amazonas.
Went Bowling with 100 people in Osaka.
Took 33 flights.
Sponsoring a kid in Uganda.
Donated 10.000 Baht to Child Care Foundation Bangkok.
Founded my third company.
Tried grilled maggots.
First natural hot springs.
Glacier with Rainbow in Alaska.
Won the German Design Award.
Sunset Hike to Table Mountain in South Africa.
2 masterminds with amazing people.
Being single for almost a year, and happy.

And. So. Much. More.

Thank you 2024,
you were my best year ever.
#grateful #fullfilled 21.12.2024
Machu Picchu was a truly special place. But it wasn’t just the place itself; it was a fortunate moment that occurred just minutes before I took this photo.

I was strolling along the sidewalk leading to the Imka Bridge, taking in the breathtaking views of the canyon, feeling energized and grateful to be in this beautiful place all alone.

Suddenly, I heard something rustling in the bushes, and as I turned to look, I was fortunate enough to witness my first encounter with a wild bear. It was a very special moment for me - so close to nature! 13.12.2024
Life is a constant flow of change. Nothing remains static. What doesn’t adapt, grow, or evolve will eventually fade away, making room for the new. By embracing change, we open ourselves to growth, resilience, and the all the possibilities that lie ahead. #growth 12.12.2024
The Best of Both Worlds.

Right now, I’m enjoying the peace of my home in Portugal. As much as I love traveling and discovering new places, I also deeply value coming back, seeing my friends, and grounding myself.

For me, both are essential:
- Traveling the world to stay open-minded, gain new perspectives, and grow on a personally level.
- Being home to reflect on my adventures, new connections and building my local community.

I consciously try to avoid black-and-white thinking.
And this is yet another proof that balance is always the best.
I find so much joy in this balance.

I’m incredibly grateful to have this freedom: the freedom that I always can choose between these two worlds. And I need both of them. 02.12.2024
At the beginning of the year, during my time in Tarifa, I met @stella_airoldi. At first, I had no idea about the incredible work she was doing. But then I attended her talk about Uganda, and I was quickly captivated - not just by her stories but by her incredible project, @22starsfoundation

With her 22STARS Foundation, Stella empowers children in Uganda by helping them access education and build a better future. Her passion, dedication, and knowledge are truly inspiring. She has already supported more than 500 kids, and I immediately knew I wanted to be part of this! It just felt right.

So, I decided to sponsor one of the children in her program.

Since April, I’ve been the proud sponsor of Kauma, a young girl with big dreams of becoming a medical doctor. Supporting her on this journey feels so meaningful, and recently, I received a heartfelt reply to my letter to her - it felt amazing 😊

A new goal has now been added to my bucket list: visiting Kauma in Uganda one day!

I can wholeheartedly recommend Stella’s project. You can trust that your support will go directly to where it’s needed most and make a real difference in a child’s life.

Check out her website and consider sponsoring one of the kids who still need a sponsor: www.foundation22stars.org 26.11.2024
This year, I attended many events, and except for one, each was incredibly special to me. Each experience brought breakthroughs, new ideas, fresh perspectives, and amazing connections.

Today, @digitale.nomaden.konferenz ends, and I’m amazed by how much can happen in just one week. I loved every moment and, for the first time, felt completely secure - something that’s still new for me. I learned so much, especially on a personal level.

These kinds of events have become very important to me - not for the workshops or content, but for the human connections. For too long, I lacked this in my life. Now, I see how much good it does for me and how it keeps pushing me in the right direction.

I’m incredibly grateful for my inner circle - people who not only do amazing things but whom I can also call my friends. Meeting them here in Portugal reminded me how special it is to have these people in my life.

Thank you to everyone! ❤️ 16.11.2024
It’s a special day for me 🎉

Today, exactly 7 years ago, we launched @coachy_net , and it completely changed my life. There have been many challenges, crossroads, and valuable lessons – it’s hard to believe how much has happened over these years. COACHY has helped me grow in so many ways!

Thanks to COACHY, I’m living a dream life that I could have never imagined. Through COACHY, I’ve met incredible people and experienced beautiful moments. COACHY has given me confidence and the ability to trust and believe in myself.

In the past few days, I’ve realized once again how many amazing people I have around me – other great entrepreneurs with inspiring stories. I love connecting with people like this, and I’m so happy to call many of them my friends.

I’m deeply grateful.
go.coachy.net/birthday 14.11.2024
This was my second glacier experience.

And just like the first time, when I saw a glacier in Patagonia, it was a completely perfect moment.

In Patagonia, I was surprised by an expansive view into a canyon—a powerful river and waterfall with a glacier resting above it all. I hadn’t expected to see a glacier at all, and that amazing surprise made the moment even more magical. (Muchas gracias @sandrivania ❤️)

This time, though, I knew what was waiting for me. The glacier was my destination, the one thing I’d come here to see. When I reached the viewpoint, the scenery was already stunning. And then it got even better - the sun broke through, a soft rain began to fall, and out of nowhere, a huge, vivid rainbow appeared over the glacier. I’d never seen a rainbow with colors so intense.

It was a perfect moment, standing there in the rain, fully taking it in.
And I absolutely loved sharing this moment with @dorothea_horvath ❤️ 04.11.2024
There was a time when I had a fear of flying. I would still board a plane, but with sweaty palms and a huge sense of relief once we were safely on the ground.

And small planes? Never in a million years.

About eight years ago, though, I had a near-death experience. I had to be flown to London for an emergency surgery. After a turbulent time, that return flight—full of relief and feeling like I was given a second chance—turned out to be the best flight I’d ever had.

It was perfect. The flight was incredibly smooth, and I witnessed the most breathtaking sunset I’d ever seen. Suddenly, my fear of flying was just gone.

But even so, getting into a small plane today, a seaplane, was still a challenge. I wasn’t afraid; I felt trust. But I was nervous. I wanted to experience it, to prove to myself that it wouldn’t be a big deal.

And it turned out to be amazing. Just nine of us, a relaxed, friendly pilot, and an absolutely stunning view.

And, guess what—it wasn’t scary at all! 😊 01.11.2024
Japan left me with some mixed feelings. On the one hand, it’s fascinating to immerse myself in new cultures and ways of thinking. But on the other hand, I found the cities to be overwhelming, vibrant, and constantly buzzing with life - each one seemed bigger and busier than the last. Tokyo was crazy 😅

If I were to go again, I’d focus more on nature and rural areas, seeking the slower pace of life Japan also offers beyond its urban centers.

One highlight of my trip was the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto. The endless torii gates had something magical, especially since we arrived at 6 am, avoiding the crowds. The tranquility of that morning made it a special experience for me. 24.10.2024
What a ride.

From Vancouver to Alaska, and finally, to the shores of Japan.
300 digital nomads, one epic journey across the Pacific.

Not only did we explore incredible places together,
but we shared something even more valuable:
a sense of connection, inspiration, and support.
The kind of community that leaves you feeling motivated and truly seen.
With real, deep connections.

And once again,
more than the destinations,
more than the workshops and talks,
for me, it’s all about the people. The connections. The stories.
The openness and curiosity.

It’s hard to put my feelings into words,
but this time was damn special to me.

I can honestly say that @nomadbase_community and @nomadcruise indeed changed my life.
I’m incredibly grateful to be part of this wonderful community.

This community makes me feel safe. Comfortable.
I can be authentic, completely myself.
It gives me a feeling of happiness, joy and fulfilment.

See you all on NC15! 😍

Photos by @dorothea_horvath and @brainbow_photography 16.10.2024
I try to reflect on a regular basis. Today, I completed my list of what I call “Ersties”—things I’ve done for the first time in my life. These can be anything from general new experiences to moments where I stepped out of my comfort zone.

I started this list in 2024, and each year, I create a new one. It helps me realize how much my life has changed and how grateful I am for all these new experiences. It’s amazing to be authentic and to truly be myself. At least as much as possible (still improving!)

Every year, but especially this year, I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone quite often. It has always brought me happiness, joy, and personal growth.

I’m proud of myself.
Proud of where I’ve been.
Proud of where I am today. 16.09.2024
Back in Tarifa, I learned about “Ikigai,” a Japanese concept with varying interpretations, especially in the Western world.

One of the explanations I heard in Tarifa is that Ikigai can be about moments of joy. The goal is to have many of these moments, because if you lose one, the others are there to keep you from falling. The loss won’t affect you that much.

I realised that one of my Ikigais is definitely petting a dog—or any other animal! I’m always truly in the moment and fully enjoy their presence.

On the photo I enjoyed this moment with a Thai Dog :) 12.09.2024
I took this photo in Peru while sitting in the back of a Motor Taxi. In Asia they call it a Tuk Tuk.

I had no idea how common they are in Peru - So far I always associated them with Thailand. Riding in one gives me mixed feelings..

On one hand, I absolutely love the experience and the often crazy drivers. Being in the chaos, feeling the warm wind on my face, and catching all the interesting details around me - it’s an adventure, for sure.

On the other hand, they are sooo risky! There’s no protection at all. If an accident happens, you’re pretty much fu**ed. And with the way they drive - squeezing through every tiny gap to get ahead - they really push the limits.

But honestly, I still love it! 😅 No risk, no fun, right? 09.09.2024
Nope, that's not a lake. That's the Amazonas! 😍
With this boat we had an 2-hour ride deeper into the Jungle! ❤️ 06.09.2024
Amazonas, Peru.
No words to say - just speechless ❤️ 31.08.2024
Machu Picchu, what a special place! I guess during the day it's really too crowded - but I entered at 6am and it was totally worth it. Much less people and a stunning morning-atmosphere.. ❤️ Not "just" this iconic view to the city, but the whole surrounding are kinda surreal. I loved it. 28.08.2024
This is one of my favorite photos from my travels in Peru. I took it while I was on a boat on the Amazonas River, approaching sunset. The atmosphere was incredibly special, and I felt deeply grateful in that moment.

I’m aware of the luxury I’ve built for myself: being able to work and travel the world simultaneously.
Yes - I was working on the Amazonas, with lots of joy!

Some people think I’m just traveling all the time and that I don’t have time to work. But guess what - I work a lot. Like, really a lot. During my travels, while my work hours are less, my focus is even much sharper.

Currently, I’m extremely motivated. Big things are coming to Coachy ❤️ 19.08.2024
Around 2,5 years ago my life changed a lot. Since that time I finally started traveling. A dream, that I had for a very long time. I’m very grateful that I could change that dream into reality.

In this time I was in Chile, 2x Italy, 2x Bulgaria, 2x Thailand, South Africa, Azores, Marocco, and Spain.
I had 58 flights. 🙈 Now I’m writing this post at the Airport, waiting for my flight from São Paulo to Lima, Peru.

My next trips after Peru are already planned and will bring me to Lativa, Canada, Alaska, Japan and Thailand.

A few years ago I NEVER thought that I would travel that much.
And I love it so much ❤️ I met so many amazing people on that journey and love having more adventures ❤️ 09.07.2024
“You have changed since Tarifa.”

A good friend of mine said this sentence to me recently.
And it kept me thinking. In the last weeks so many things happened in my life. Great things. Many beautiful and deep moments, which meant a lot to me, personally. Probably sometimes much more than the other person could imagine.

And yes, I think he’s right. I’ve changed. Not just in the last weeks, but in general.
I’m incredible grateful for the last 2 years. Too many things to write all of them down.

Thank you for all the people I’ve met on this journey.
I’ve go to know so many amazing people!! ❤️
And more to come - in Bulgaria, Canada and Japan ❤️ 31.05.2024
Time to reflect.
After 3 weeks in Tarifa I’m back in Portugal.

For me these weeks were intense - in a very positive way. I’ve met so many amazing people and had really deep conversations. We’ve created a space where I could be fully authentic, open and felt totally safe. Without any pressure. I feel deep gratitude that I’ve found this amazing community and can’t wait to see many of them again in Bansko 😍 05.05.2024
Me, when I feel like being in another world. ❤️

In this case close to Railay Beach in Krabi, Thailand. 08.04.2024
It was the first time I went to natural hot springs.
39˚C. Totally my temperature :) 05.04.2024
I like traveling alone, my first time was 4 weeks of Thailand in 2022. I can be spontaneous and completely follow my own needs. Add it always helps me to grow.

On the other hand I love to make memories together with someone.
And if I would have to choose, I wouldn't travel alone.
I guess my perfect traveling would be a mixture of both 😊

Another advantage of traveling together: I have much better photos of myself 😂
In this case I was lucky that a German couple I met at this waterfall helped me out 😊 02.04.2024
The Azores reminded me a lot about my time in Patagonia, when I visited Chile 2 years ago.

Raw, wild and green nature. Lots of waterfalls and rivers. Surrounded by volcanos.

It was sooo beautiful and I absolutely loved hiking around all day long. Exploring new places. Taking a conscious breath. Enjoying the sound of nature.

I just LOVE traveling ❤️ 25.03.2024
And because they are so beautiful - another photo from my team @coachy_net 😍😁 14.03.2024
I love to explore nature. Find new places, wild landscapes, endless views.

Right now I’m thinking where to travel next ❤️
I have a few ideas - do you want to add some ideas? 😄 03.03.2024
Our #Coachy Teamphoto from Cape Town ❤️ 01.03.2024
Booked my next flight to Thailand 😍 I will fly to the land of smiles on 1st of January 2025 😅

It would mean that I won’t be in Thailand this year! Not sure, should I really miss it this year? 🤭 27.02.2024
Many, many years ago I used to ride the unicycle regularly. On my last visit to Germany, I tried it again - a bit wobbly at first, but you soon get back into it :)
And it's still just as much fun! 23.02.2024
A new stage in my life starts.
And it feels #good. 17.02.2024
I'm back from our Coachy Teamweek in Cape Town. What an amazing time!

Can someone please pinch me?
- Did we fly all the team to Cape Town?
- From Brasil, Georgia, Latvia, Germany and Portugal?
- Did we all meet in South Africa? On another continent?

Crazy :) #proud #thankscoachy 12.02.2024
I visited this Foundation in 2022, when I was in Thailand for the first time. A friend of mine showed me this place in Bangkok, and I was absolutely amazed by the people there.

They do everything they can to help children from the slums, and they do a really great job. Give them something to eat, provide a place to sleep, and make them feel to be seen.

The slums start directly behind their property. We went through the tiny roads, surrounded by all the fragile and self-made huts. It’s hard to believe that people live here. I never went to a slum before and I much respect visiting one - what about the criminality there? Well, it was totally safe. The Thai culture really gives them the background of being open and friendly. Every time we passed by someone, you get a smile. Even in the most dirty places in Bangkok. They are happy that you are there. And to be seen, I guess.

My plan was to visit the Foundation again on my last trip. Unfortunately, due to unseen travel events, I was not able to come here again. It made me very sad, as I really wanted to visit this place again and to personally do a donation. With the help of my friend I still made it kinda personal - but I’m sure: next time I will be there in person, for real ❤️

If you want to help, to donate, or to read more: www.fscc.or.th

#please 09.02.2024
Yesterday, 29th of January, exactly 10 years ago, I moved abroad.
Away from Germany. First to #Malta, now in #Portugal.

10 years living abroad, an adventure full of ups and downs. Definitely more ups and with changes I couldn’t miss anymore. For me it was the perfect place to grow, and to face many of my challenges. I’ve changed a lot in these 10 years. ❤️

Today I would say it’s one of the top 3 decision I ever made (consciously) in my life. 30.01.2024
One of my highlights in #Thailand - riding the motorbike again. And took kinda to the next level, with the main roads on Koh Samui. Traffic is crazy high, but I really enjoy doing a ride here. For me it's a small feeling of freedom. #findingNightmarkets 10.01.2024
I'm back from Thailand, back in Portugal.

Thailand. A country that I fall in love with more and more every time.

The time there was amazing. So many adventures and new experiences.
If it was the elephants, the Thai Kids, chanting and singing with Monks, the Nightmarkets, crazy Bangkok or all the other unforgettable moments - I’m grateful for every one of them.

Thank you and…
see you again! 03.01.2024
I'm so proud! 😍

A few months ago Alena and the team of @hellodesign_agency created a new and fresh rebranding for @coachy_net. It was a lot of work, but thanks to our great collaboration, together we've created a stunning design which I absolutely love!!

It has been nearly 7 years when I started the first line of code. The beginning of Coachy. We are always growing and improving, and that was another big step for us. 🤘

But that's not all.

Together we won the German Design Award 2024 in the category:
Excellent communication Design-Web!!! 😍

That's crazy.
Thank you to everybody, for this amazing work and fun at the same time! 🚀

Case Study: https://www.hellodesign.de/cases/coachy
Branding in action: https://www.coachy.net

Greetings from Koh Phangan 😁🌴

#GermanDesignAward2024 #Coachy 15.12.2023
This photo shows happy Dennis sailing on his birthday! #throwback

I chose this photo today because it shows my current mood:
Setting off to travel!

Today we finished preparing our Coachy Cyberweek for next Monday.
Now it’s time for to set my mood for traveling, because next week I will fly to Thailand again 😍

Can’t wait for it!!

.. Back to summer
.. Warm and clear waters
.. Elephants 🐘
.. Green Curry 🔥
.. Thai Culture
.. Buddhism & Temples
.. Coconuts! 🥥🥥

And so much more ❤️ 24.11.2023
Love this place. ❤️ 04.11.2023
#memories from this year: My first time in the "real" mountains. This photo was taken on our way to 3466 meters, very close to Mont Blanc. What an experience! ❤️ Loved everything about it. 15.10.2023
#Throwback Cologne, Germany, Summer 2022.

I will come for a 2-week visit to Germany in November.
Who’s around and wants to meet? Message me. 12.09.2023
It's good to set goals for the future. But never forget what you have already achieved in the past.

And be grateful for where you are now.
In this moment. 09.08.2023
Next flight for Thailand is booked 😍😍😍

My first travel to Thailand last year was amazing. I loved everything about my trip - the culture, the people and their energy, the atmosphere in their temples, the beautiful, raw nature and so much more.

I am so happy that this time I don’t travel alone and I can share all these experiences. I can’t wait to show you Thailand @_s_li_ ❤️

Just 4 months to wait 😊 02.08.2023
#throwback #abovetheclouds
Imperfection is the perfection. 02.07.2023
Around 10 years ago: I was employed as a software developer. I’m an introvert and I never would have thought to be self-employed. And for sure I would be no one to build a team and to be an employer. For sure.

Today: I’m still an introvert. And I’ve founded Coachy.

A few things I have learned:

- Do what you love
- Work hard (just at the beginning, not for all your life!)
- Gather the right people around you
- Always be authentic and trustworthy
- Deliver with passion and quality

@coachy_net Team

#digistore24awards 13.06.2023
#Throwback #Chile

Can’t believe that over a year has been passed since I was on the road in Patagonia.
A lot has happened since. for which I’m very grateful.

(…but still fighting with cold water 🤣) 28.04.2023
Above the clouds.
I love nature, I love this kind of surprises, magic moments and the sound of calmness. And being together.

All that happened in this moment.

Watching the sunset above the clouds, after a drive from home of just 40 minutes.. gratefulness ❤️ 14.03.2023
Be in the #moment.
Take your #time.
❤️ 26.02.2023
314 meters above Bangkok.
Bangkok fascinated me a lot...
Extremes and contrasts everywhere. 03.02.2023
In this photo I was enjoying Pad Thai, a super delicious dish, in Chiang Rai in the North of Thailand.

I loved this place. A very tiny indoor place run by a family, a married old couple with their son. When you enter this place you literaliy sit in their kitchen. And it wasn't just the good food why I loved this place, but also their love in cooking and serving their food for you. It was their passion, truly.

A thai once said
"Pad Thai is boring. You will never have a surprise - it will always taste amazing."

And he was right :) 30.01.2023
Sometimes live changes faster that you could have imagined ❤️ Be open, be positive, and good things will come to you. 15.01.2023
I love traveling. My goal for 2022 was to start exactly that - traveling. And I think it couldn't have been a better start. I was in Chile, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria and Thailand ❤️ Especially Chile and Thailand were both a huge experience for me, exploring their nature and meeting new cultures. Where should I go this year? :) 02.01.2023
This year was the first year living my dream to travel at lot. And it's not just about landscapes and nature - I also love to meet people from different countries and cultures. I'm very grateful to how many people I was able to meet this year: people from Mexico, Chile, Peru, Canada, USA, Ireland, England, Portugal, Italy, Austria, Malta, Morocco, Ukraine, Turkey, Taiwan, Columbia, Thailand, Australia, France, Denmark, Israel, Burma and India. A total of 23 nations ❤️ With some of them I danced together, sometimes we played pool, had some beers together, a nice glass of wine, exploring nature, swimming with sharks, going rafting, sharing an Uber, deep talks and so many more things. Thank you. 26.12.2022
I’m on my way from Bangkok back to Frankfurt. Unbelievable how fast 4 weeks can pass by – and how much you can experience in that short time-frame. I was in Bangkok, in Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Krabi, on Koh Phi Phi, Koh Samui and Koh Phangan. It was my first time traveling alone, and I’m very grateful for this experience. I enjoyed being alone, being spontaneous and meeting other people. But I’m also very happy to come back now, to meet my family and my friends for Christmas. And, also to fly back to Portugal, to sleep in my own bed again and to meet a special person again :) 23.12.2022
Soon my traveling in Thailand ends. In just 2 days I will fly home to spend Christmas with my family. Time passed by so quickly, and for me it's far away that just in 3 days it's Christmas 😂 I'm so grateful for all the experiences I've made and all the people I've met. I will come back for sure ❤️ 21.12.2022
This was a special day for me. It was important for me to find a good sanctuary, where they really take care of their elephants. Without doing it for the tourists. Where they absolutely forbid to ride them. Where they love them. And I found them. It was amazing to feed their elephants, to walk with 4 of them together through the rainforest, to wash them in the river and to do a water battle with them :) Fascinating animals. Powerful and so soft and kind at the same time. 17.12.2022
Found this amazing beauty while exploring the nature on Koh Phi Phi. This tree was huge! ❤️ With @coachy_net we have planted more than 9000 trees already - one tree for each coach. I hope our trees will also get that big 😊 @plantfortheplanet_official 15.12.2022
This is Maya Bay, where parts of the movie "The Beach" with Leonardo DiCaprio were filmed. But for me a much bigger highlight happened here. It was the first time that I was able to see sharks in their natural environment ❤️ Some smaller ones came very close to the beach, just around 2 meters away from me. I could walk on the sand while following them swimming in the water 😍 Loved it, and so proud that with @coachy_net we support sharkproject_org and their mission ❤️ 14.12.2022
In the last days and weeks I walked around 15.000-20.000 steps each day. I love to explore, to go hiking in nature and to find some hidden spots where no other tourists are.

But now, after my feet hurt, I will take some time to relax :)

No matter where, it's always important to find a balance. 11.12.2022
That's the first time I saw monkeys in their free environment. And not just one.. there were so many of them! They come very close, if you don't move they would walk over your feet or even your head. Luckily I had no small bag with me, because they love to catch them and run away :)

I was there for around 1 hour, watching them. Climbing, eating, playing, communication with each other. I love to observe nature!

Some people were afraid of them. Some told me afterwards that I should be careful, they can be sneaky and even bite when they feel threatened.

I didn't feel any of that. I guess when you take your time, observe them, get a feeling about them, know where the limits are, it can work and you can do a selfie with them without the need of being scared :) 07.12.2022
It was my dream to travel to Thailand for around 15 years. Now I'm here since a week and I think I finally realised that fact :)

Thailand is amazing,
I love Thailand.

The country, the culture, the people.
So inspiring in many ways.

#Thailand #travel 30.11.2022
This award is something very special for me, because many years ago I never would have thought of archiving something like this

At this point I want to thank you for the great work of @digistore24de and @svenplatte. I honestly can say, that probably @coachy_net never would have happened without Digistore. The easy integration from a technical point of view, taking care of the payment-process and the automatic VAT-calculation/invoicing made it possible for me to concentrate fully on the development of Coachy.

Also, I want to thank you for their support and the great teamwork. My contact to Christian was always very valuable. With my feedback and my specific requirements he developed many features and API-functionality for us. This helped me to make the integration of Digistore in Coachy even more simple and straight-forward.

Keep up the good work!


Dieser Award ist etwas ganz Besonderes für mich, da ich mir früher nie hätte vorstellen können mal so etwas zu erreichen.

An dieser Stelle möchte ich ein großes Lob an Digistore und Sven Platte aussprechen. Ich kann ganz klar sagen, dass Coachy ohne Digistore vermutlich nicht entstanden wäre. Die einfache Integration aus technischer Sicht, die Übernahme des Zahlungsverkehrs und die automatische Umsatzsteuer-Errechnung/Rechnungserstellung haben es mir damals möglich gemacht, mich zu 100% auf die Entwicklung von Coachy zu konzentrieren.

Auch möchte ich mich für den tollen Support und die enge Zusammenarbeit bedanken. Mein Kontakt zu Christian war immer sehr wertvoll. Mit meinem Feedback und meinen spezifischen Anforderungen wurden einige Features und API-Möglichkeiten extra für uns entwickelt, um die Integration von Digistore in Coachy noch einfacher und praktischer zu machen.

Macht weiter so!

#digistore24awards 23.11.2022
Today 5 years ago we officially launched Coachy! 😍

It's time to celebrate with a special deal during this week 🎉

Thank you to the whole team and all our clients with their valuable feedback! ❤️

#2023willbebig 14.11.2022
Yesterday I came back from a short trip to Spain, where I visited my grandparents. As a teenager I spent each of my summer-holidays there and I have many, many great memories.

It was amazing to be there again ❤️
On the photo I am on my favourite beach from that time 🌴

#memories 09.11.2022
I don't need luxury to be happy.
Most probably I don't need luxury at all.

I need authenticity, real people, deep connections.
I need to be in the moment, and enjoy live.

#grateful #downtoearth 31.10.2022
Are you doing enough breaks between your work?

At the moment I don't.
We are preparing something big.

And sometimes it's okay to hustle.
If it's just for a certain time.

Sometimes you need to do it.
If you want to do something big.

I love my work ❤️ 27.10.2022
That's my whole team behind @coachy_net ❤️

Last week he had our annual team-week here in Portugal. Everyone of us is working from home, so it's super important to meet in person regularly.

Although this year we had more tasks to do then ever, our time together was super fun. 😍

I'm very grateful to have such an amazing team. I would have never thought this, when I wrote the first code-line around 5 years ago. ❤️

THANK YOU 20.10.2022
I love it being in nature.
Far off from the noisy stuff.

Here in Patagonia,
feeling the rain ❤️

#throwback 03.10.2022
#Throwback #Chile

First time walking on a vulcano.
At the same time seeing this huge lake.
And the Andes.

I loved this moment ❤️ 30.09.2022
#Throwback #Patagonia ❤️

In just 2 months my travel continues. End of November I will fly to Asia for my first time. Since around 15 years I'm dreaming of this.

Still there are no big plans what I will do in Thailand, except for traveling 😁

I want to be spontaneous, I want to be open, I want to experience. Being in the moment, around the people and culture. The best moments are always the spontaneous ones - I got to learn that this year ❤️ 23.09.2022
Working on new features for @coachy_net !
At lot of new stuff coming soon ❤️ 19.09.2022
Working from anywhere, anytime. I'm deeply thankful for this opportunity.

Here on Chiloé island in Chile.
Out in the nowhere, working on new features for @coachy_net ❤️

#Chile #Throwback 17.09.2022
#throwback #chile ❤️

"Travel is an investment in yourself." 15.09.2022
Wow, my week in Bulgaria flew by in no time! I didn't had any expectations and I'm super impressed by this beautiful and vibrant city! I absolutely loved my stay and all the experiences I was able to make <3

Besides the Bulgarian I also met people from Morocco, Irland, the UK, Austria, Ukraine, Turkey, Italy, USA, Peru, other Germans and even 3 guys from Malta!

I just love to meet people from other countries and hearing their stories 😍

Sofia, I will be back for sure! 12.09.2022

Some people say to me:
"You are traveling so much, you also have to give yourself a break."

Why can't I have breaks during my travel?
Why can't I have mindful and calming moments while exploring the world?

It's always about balance.

Traveling shouldn't mean to hassle to new places every day. It's about enjoying the way and that also means to take breaks in between - spontaneously. Depending on how you feel and what you wanna do. Without planing everything. That's traveling ❤️

#Traveling #Chile #Patagonia 29.08.2022
#Throwback - standing on a volcano, seeing this huge lake and the getting fascinated about the Andes when I slightly turn left.

I love these moments. When I have a beautiful and breath-taking view like this, I'm always thinking about the things I have archived.
I lose the feeling about time and become extremely grateful.

#travel #chile #coachy #grateful #view #thankyou 27.08.2022

In the middle of Patagonia ❤️ 24.08.2022
This is a photo from my trip in Chile back in February. A few days ago I had a very similar face-expression - after I booked my flight to Thailand ❤️

For me a long dream comes true - I wanted to explore Thailand since more than a decade! It will be my first time in Asia ever, and I'm super excited!

Do I have any plans in Thailand? Not really! For sure I have some plans for the first days (exploring Bangkok, then fly to Chiang Rai). But for the other weeks I'm open and I want to see where it will bring me. It's amazing to be open and spontaneous - I've learned that in Chile ❤️

My trip starts end of November.
I'll be right back on the 24th of December to spend Christmas with my family in Germany 😍

#chile #thailand #travel 22.08.2022
#throwback #chile 20.08.2022
I'm back in Portugal from my short trip to Germany visiting my team and @diecontra.

It feels like many people think "money-first" and that it's the most important thing. Fortunately there were also other people, thinking differently. People who want to solve problems and help >people<. It was nice meeting you!

#coachy #solveproblems #helppeople 06.06.2022
This was a very magical moment for me.

It took a 3-hour hiking trip to this place and I had no idea what to expect at the end of this path.

And then I saw my first glacier. 😍
The color of this glacier was incredible beautiful.

Surrounded by mountains disappearing in the clouds and 2 long waterfalls connecting the huge river at the bottom of this canyon.

This was incredible.
Being humble before nature. 26.05.2022
It was great to feel snow again 😂 18.05.2022
#memories ❤️

Don't think too much about the past.
Don't think too much about the future either.

Be in the moment. Enjoy life. 13.05.2022
We cannot control the outside world or other people.
And we shouldn't try.

But we can choose to be grateful for the things we have archived and for the amazing people who are close to us.

And that makes be happy ❤️ 13.04.2022
If I would have known ...

- that this rapid is listed as of the top 5 difficult ones worldwide
- that this rapid is categorised as class 5 (and there are only 6)
- that I have to jump into the cold water
- that the other rafting-boat overturned

I most probably wouldn't have done it.

And you know what always happens after such an adventure...
I enjoyed it so much, that I definitely want to do it more times.

I am very grateful for this experience ❤️ 26.03.2022
Getting back my love to travel ❤️
#travel #chile #patagonia #grateful 21.03.2022
In Chile on Valentines-Day it's not only about love-relationships, but also about friendships.

I am so grateful for all the new people I met this year already. They came to me in a time when I really needed them and this experience.

In life it’s not important where you live or what you have in material things - it’s the people around you who makes your life whole. People who listen to you.

Thank you for the great time <3 14.02.2022
Team-Week in Portugal 2021

I'm so grateful for this amazing team <3 #coachy 13.01.2022
Our birthday promotion ends in less than 4 hours. I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in our campaign over the last 3 days! <3 www.coachy.net 17.11.2020
Grateful for such an amazing team ❤

In September we flew the entire Coachy-team to Portugal. During our team-week we had an incredibly beautiful, inspiring and productive time together. 😍

COACHY - more to come in November! ❤ 04.10.2020